5 Home Renovations To Create A Healthier Living Space

5 Home Renovations To Create A Healthier Living Space

Even for those who live fast-paced lives, it’s important to make a home feel both safe and healthy. It’s a place to retreat, gather, unwind, and restore. As such, every home should not only feel inviting, but also nourishing to its occupants and guests.

Making just a few changes to a home can have a profound influence on mood, health, and overall well-being. From introducing plants for purer air to incorporating new floors to minimize allergies, there are certain home renovations that can go a long way in creating a healthier living space. In fact, some of them do not require big investments or too much time. Here are five healthy home renovations to get you started.

1. Healthy Flooring

When it comes to the floors, nowadays it is essential to opt for low-VOC flooring in creating a healthier home. For those not familiar with VOCs, the abbreviation stands for “Volatile Organic Compounds,” which refers to the harmful substances that often come with various manufactured goods. Some of the most common and harmful VOCs are carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and terpenes.

While VOCs are common in linoleum flooring, they can also be found in certain hardwood floors. That’s why it’s critical to look for a no-VOC or low-VOC flooring option. You might be thinking, “Well, what about carpet?” Although carpet may not contain as concentrations of VOCs as high as linoleum, it can trap dust, pet dander, and allergens, which can further lead to health complications in some homes. Instead, look for healthy flooring options like low-VOC hardwood floors that are specifically manufactured without any harmful treatments.

2. Water Filtration

Nowadays, it’s not uncommon for people to drink water directly from their tap due to lack of water quality or other safety concerns. In fact, the quality of the water in some cities had declined to the point of being unsafe to drink in large quantities. Some households opt for mineral water and other clean sources. Others choose eco-friendly solutions like installing a whole-house water filtration system.

Whole-house water filters are designed to treat water at the point it enters your home. While all have the underlying purpose of supplying clean water everywhere you need it, whole-house filtration systems come in many different forms, including carbon filters, UV water purifiers, and water softeners. For homes in areas where water quality is subpar, these filtration systems make for a healthy upgrade to your home. Such investment is not only healthier for consuming drinking water, but it’s also a valid upgrade for bathing and showering. Water filtration might not be that cheap, but it can be thoroughly worth it.

3. Window Film

Installing a window film treatment is an energy-saving, health-minded investment that can offer a number of benefits. Unlike convention window tints, most 3M™ window films block 97% of harmful UV rays. Not only can this improve occupant comfort and minimize glare, but these window treatments also block heat gain/loss and prevent dramatic temperature swings. The UV blocking capabilities also prevent furniture, carpets, and upholstery from fading.

Window film technology has advanced greatly in recent years. One innovative solution is called CoolVu, which is a solar window film that provides temperature regulating, UV blocking, and energy saving benefits. According to Window Film Depot, CoolVu film transitions from a clear to a tinted state when exposed to the sun’s UV radiation. By adapting to the amount of sunlight transmission, CoolVu window film delivers concentrated levels of sun control only when you need it.

4. HVAC System

The HVAC system normally includes heating, air-conditioning unit, a pipe system and a ventilation. The ventilation in this system encourages the process of replacing and circulating the air in a given space. In turn HVAC ventilation needs to perform optimally to maintain optimal air quality.

In essence, HVAC can dictate the quality of the air inside your home while helping to remove moisture, smoke, or smells. Depending on the living space, proper ventilation can also be important for the removal of gases, such as carbon dioxide. As such, they’re critical components to improving indoor air quality. In addition to being cleaned and equipped with new filters, they have to be tested and often upgraded if they do not work properly.

5. House Plants

Growing house plants is probably among the easiest home “renovations” for better health. There are many different plants that can thrive indoors while helping to improve air quality. Many of these house plants are actually proven to reduce air pollution, and help the prevention of complicated medical conditions.

For example, you can start by growing the commonly-called Snake plant. This plant is able to purify the air and absorb dangerous toxins such as carbon monoxide and formaldehyde. It emits oxygen and cleans the air we breathe. Dracaena is another popular house plant you may grow inside. It neutralizes the toxins and filters the air effectively.

Sometimes, people just do not have enough money for conventional home renovations. Small steps can have a big impact on the health of your home environment. So try some of these ideas to create a healthier living space that will provide optimal enjoyment and replenishment.