5 House Plants Great For Skin Care

5 House Plants Great For Skin Care

Skincare continues to be one of the essential health routines in many people’s lives. It can also be quite expensive as most top-of-the-line products are pricey and require patience for you to get that glass skin everyone covets. But did you know that your favorite skincare products come from plants? Some of them can even be grown in your home!

Here are five houseplants you can take care of to achieve healthy and beautiful skin.

Aloe Vera

When it comes to skincare, aloe vera dominates. It’s one of the most common plant ingredients in many products and one of the easiest to grow at home. Aloe vera is rich in vitamin C that helps clear blemishes, vitamin E to protect skin cells from damage, and vitamin A to encourage collagen production. This succulent is also ideal for soothing burns, wounds, and pimples.

Cut an aloe vera leaf and scoop off the gel. Apply the gel onto your face as a moisturizer, after-shave treatment, or a leave-on scalp conditioner. You can also add the gel to your water or tea as the plant is rich in enzymes and amino acids that promote muscle growth and better absorption of nutrients.

Bay Leaf

Bay leaf isn’t limited to flavoring and garnishing your favorite dishes. Gather your bay leaves and dry them out for at least 12 hours. Soak them in olive oil for a month to create a homemade ointment to treat insect bites and wounds. Bay leaves promote collagen growth suitable for improving skin elasticity and healing. These properties also help fight bacterial growth in your pores that may cause breakouts. Use your bay leaf mixture as a toner after washing your face.

The best part about bay leaves is that you can grow them at home. There are potted bay leaf plants suitable for studio condo units similar to those in Tivoli Garden Residences in Mandaluyong City. You’ll get healthy and supple skin even if you live in a busy city.

Green Tea

Green tea is another favorite plant of skincare enthusiasts. Not only is it refreshing and relaxing, but green tea leaves are also packed with antioxidants that help prevent aging, bacterial growth, and inflammation. They also help cleanse your body of impurities that cause breakouts, skin dullness, and other diseases.

Green tea is ideal if you have oily skin because of its properties that control sebum production. If you don’t like drinking tea, add fresh or dried green tea leaves to your cleanser, toner, or moisturizer to achieve younger-looking skin.


Don’t like eating cilantro due to its strong tangy and citrusy taste? Infuse it with lemon to help treat pimple scars, wounds, and fungal infections. Mix fresh cilantro leaves with fresh lemon juice. Apply the mixture to the affected area and rinse it off after five minutes. Don’t leave it for too long because the acids of the lemon juice may burn and sting. Cilantro can be grown in sunny locations; you can have blemish-free skin if you live in warmer and sunnier spots.

Skin Care


Mint is another house plant that thrives on its own as long as you water it regularly to keep the soil moist. Skincare products that have salicylic acid help exfoliate the skin, keeping pores clean, and reduce pimples. That same acid is found in mint leaves! Get a few leaves from your potted mint plant and crush it to make a paste to help treat acne scars. You can also use it as a cooling astringent after washing your face.

Skincare doesn’t have to be expensive and far from home. These five houseplants provide the right nutrients and agents to help you achieve clear, glowing, and healthy skin. They also make great decor and add flavor to your food and drink.