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5 Top Tips To Consider When Renovating Your Home

5 Top Tips To Consider When Renovating Your Home

A home renovation can be a very tough and challenging time depending on how extensive the project is, however, when completed it’s likely to put a huge smile on your face when you visually see what you’ve accomplished. Before, starting your home renovation, there’s a few top areas to consider before throwing yourself into a large project. If you consider these tips for renovating your home, you’re bound to be better placed as you would have carefully planned a lot better before the renovation begins.

Do You Require A Building Survey?

The last thing you want to come across once you’ve started your renovation project is structural issues. Imagine, having painted an entire room, to then discover issues and that wall that was painted needed to be stripped to see the actual damage. So before, you start your project, firstly, look out for any structural issues, such as cracks, identify them and have them analysed by commissioning a building survey. This will highlight any issues however big or small and will tell you exactly what you need to have checked immediately.

Do You Require An Extension?

Space! Space is extremely important to most of us. So, consider the current room you have currently before embarking on your project. Ask yourself questions such as, do you have limited space? Could you do with an extra bathroom? Do you require a new bedroom? Answering these questions early will let you know the extensiveness of your project and ensured you’ve planned better before you even start the project.


One of the most important pillars to any project is costs and ensuring they come in as planned. It’s imperative, you start planning from the beginning of the project and ensure you have a contingency for those unexpected costs. By budgeting very early on you will know exactly, if your concept for your renovation can be accomplished and completed. The last thing you want to do is stretch your budget thinly across an extensive project as you may find one issue can affect the overall project. Plan every part of your project, room by room, get prices and quotes and ensure these are documented for you to always refer to.

Plan The Use Of The Living Space

Planning the use of your space within your property will ensure when you finish your renovation, that every room and space has a purpose and the room was built to purpose. It’s very easy to renovate a room and realise once complete it doesn’t fit your required purpose. Plan exactly what you want the room for around the way you live and who you live with.

Quality Of The Finish

The quality of your renovation finish is extremely important as there are all types of renovation quality to consider for example, are you after a comfortable, affordable or luxury finish. These differences can affect your overall renovation project with time, price and individuals needed to complete the project. It’s important to understand what it is your looking for overall early on, so this vision can be followed from the beginning of your project.


These tips are all about ensuring you’re planning is exceptional before you even start your renovation project. Far too often, individuals rush into their projects and encounter issues or poor planning along the way. Consider these 5 tips and I’m sure will be better placed to ensuring a successful project, whereby you can enjoy your new space.

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