7 Essential Steps To Roof Replacement

7 Essential Steps To Roof Replacement

In the majority of the cases, it is not advisable to repair your roof during a storm. It is only an exception that it is recommended to start repairing the roof in the middle of a storm. A lot of people might not know that the replacement of a roof involves more than just nailing down shingles. Effective roofing is achieved only when the right kind of material is used. Right material will help keep your roof safe during all kinds of weather. If you are faced with some issues and planning to repair your roof, you should go for the best material as it will help you in the long-run.

Of course, this will cost you a lot but you will not have to worry afterward. On the other hand, if you choose to use cheap material with relatively lesser durability, you will regret it afterward.

When heading towards roof replacement, there are certain steps that you should follow in order to achieve desirable results.

Protecting the property:

The primary concern during roof replacement is property protection. Make sure that you do not damage anything while repairing or replacing the roof. Do not hire someone who is not an expert at the job because you might not be able to get the desired outcomes if you do not assign the task to the right person. It is vital to ensure that you are taking all the precautions for property protection. To find a reliable service, you can also check out roofers freser Michigan.


Removing old material safely:

When replacing the old roof with a new one, it is vital that you remove the old material with much care.

Inspection of wood decking:

The process of roofing replacement commences with the inspection of wood decking. Remember that all kinds of soft, wet or decomposed wood have to be removed so that you can get a strong foundation for your roofing. A solid foundation for roofing ensures that shingles will stay intact.

Heading towards shingles installment

In the next step, you should prepare the roof surface for shingles. For this, you will need to install:

  • Drip edge
  • Ice and water shield
  • Roofing felt

Installation of new roofing material:

Once you are done with the previous steps, you can move towards installing the new roofing material. Always follow the bottom-up approach for the installation of new material.

Clean up:

Now it is time for you to clean up the site which is equally important. Remove all the unwanted stuff and waste material from the site.

Final examination:

Now have a look at the end product and evaluate.