7 Significant Materials Used By Roofing Contractors In Ann Arbor Mi

7 Significant Materials Used By Roofing Contractors In Ann Arbor Mi

There are lots of materials used in constructing a roof on your home. For you to check the future quality of your ideal roof, you must first know how to check and have even the slightest idea of the suggested materials by your chosen contractor. Since almost all roofing contractor in Ann Arbor MI are opting to provide you the quality materials, at least knowing the durable and sturdy primary materials will surely give you peace of mind.


Asphalt Shingles

Asphalt materials can be used for 15 to 20 years of giving your roof dignity that is why it is the most common type of roofing material on houses in America. In addition, this type of material is least expensive and is proven to be durable. It offers several choices of colors, weights, and levels of durability, sizes, styles and designs. With the asphalt shingles you are very sure that your house is vulnerable to any damage caused by weather, ice, rain and wind. In addition, this material is eco-friendly.


If you want your roof to be fire proof, use slate. This slate comes in various sizes and colors that will fit perfectly in your house and is commonly used in traditional and historic homes. And because this material last for a very long period of time up to 200 years, it will not require you to change your roof many times. On the other hand, this material is a bit expensive than other available roofing materials because of its benefits.

Synthetic Material

Rubber made synthetic material for your house is a less expensive and lightweight. A certain number of people transfers to the use of synthetic material than another because of the reason that it is also durable; it also gives a cooler environment for it is recycled and made from industrial synthetic materials.

Clay Tile

Another roof for a century is this clay tile roof. It offers a different type of durability that can last for up to 100 years or more. It also requires just a little maintenance and is a fire proof type also with a natural beauty and aesthetic natural look. However, this is heavy and needs extra roof support from falling and is a bit expensive.

Concrete tiles

A concrete tile offers a life span of about 30-40 years with high durability and low maintenance cost. It is typically made from sand, cement and water brought together and molded to form a sturdy type of roofing material. Plus, it is a fireproof product with noise insulation capability.