How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs: A Comprehensive Guide

Realizing you have bed bugs living inside your home can give you the creeps. First, this crawlies can multiply their population so fast and hundreds of them could be discreetly crawling on your bed, clothes, furniture, walls, and ceilings and gorging on your blood at night before you even know it. They can be stubborn and difficult to eliminate, too, once they have infested your household to a large extent.

Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are very tiny, just about a few millimeters across, and are known to attack their sleeping host during the night until dawn. Their bites can be extremely itchy, leaving your skin with flat red welts in clusters. Unlike mosquito bites, bed bug bites take a longer time to heal. The good news, however, is that these nocturnal little critters do not carry diseases nor viruses like mosquitos do. Still, being bitten by bed bugs is something that should not be taken too lightly as it can lead to infection and allergic reactions.

The Bed Bug Removal Guide

There are various means and techniques to get rid of bed bugs. Some can be done on your own at home while other methods (i.e. bed bug heat treatment and chemical treatment) require the assistance of professional pest control officers. Read on and find out the necessary steps towards a successful bed bug removal.

1. Know The Signs.

Looking out for the signs of bed bug infestation is a must. The indications of bed bug activity in the household include the following:

a) Super Itchy Bite Marks.

If you notice red bite marks that are typically grouped in a zigzag or straight line and are itchier than the usual mosquito bites, it is very likely that you are bitten by bed bugs. Bed bugs bite the exposed parts of your body while you are sleeping such as your cheek, arms, legs, and neck. Some people show a severe reaction to bed bug bites and tend to itch like crazy.

b) Fecal Matter That Looks Like Black Or Rusty Colored Dots.

Bed bug excrements are similar to dots made by a marker. Having clusters of these on your beddings or mattresses is a clear indication you have bed bugs dwelling inside your home.

c) Offensive Musty Odor.

The bed bugs’ scent glands release pheromones whose odor reminds you of old dirty locker rooms and of damp towels left for days. If you sense that your bedroom has  a strong moldy stench that was not there before, you have to watch out for the possibility of bed bug infestation.

d) Bed Bug Shells.

Before becoming fully mature, bed bugs molt five times. Be warned once you see the presence of molted skins on your bedsheets, mattresses, and other areas in your bedroom.

e) Bloodstains.

Bloodstains come as a result of crashed bed bugs. It is inevitable that you may roll over these bloodsucking creatures during your slumber.


Since they move and spread fast, bed bugs may infest not only your bedroom but also other areas of the house. If you have seen several signs of bed bug activity as mentioned above, the next move would be for you to have a thorough inspection of your bedroom (i.e. box spring, mattresses) and other possible hiding places of this crawlies. If you travel a lot, it is also likely that bring bed bugs with you through your luggage. Remember that bed bugs are excellent hitchhikers. Inspect your clothes and other belongings as soon as you arrive home from traveling.

3.Heat Your Clothes Or Freeze Them For 24 Hours.

The hot and cold techniques are also effective when it comes to bed bug removal. Bed bugs cannot survive in a very hot or cold environment. If you suspect you have bed bugs hiding in your luggage, wash your clothes using hot water and dry them using the dryer. For non-washable items, you may place them inside a plastic bag and leave them in the freezer for 24 hours.

4.Apply Appropriate Treatment Methods.

The most common methods used by pest control companies are heat remediation and chemical treatment. Between the two, bed bug heat treatment is considered more favorable because it does not entail the use of chemicals, which are harmful to people and the environment. Also, heat treatment is a one-time method that kills bed bugs within minutes of application, while chemical treatment involves two to three applications before completing the bed bug removal process.

5.Always Seek Help From Pest Control Professionals.

Do not use pesticides by yourself to eliminate bed bugs. Treatment methods should be left to the hands of experts to do away with dangers and accidents. Pest control officers are trained when it comes to the number of chemicals to be used and the proper ways to conduct the treatment.

You just bear in mind that you need to have yourself informed about the nature of bed bugs, the signs of bed bug infestation, and the means that you can adopt to eliminate them and discourage them from seeking refuge in your home. When in doubt of what to do to solve your bed bug problem, always contact the proper pest control agency and have experts examine your property.