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Adapting Protection When Decided to Hire the Roofing Contractors

Adapting Protection When Decided to Hire the Roofing Contractors

It is not a good idea to be too protective of your home and finances. There are many  Roofing contractors Grosse Ile mi who will bend the rules in order to make things easier for their clients, which can cause problems for you and your roof. Every once in a while, even honest contractors make mistakes. These are the 4 ways you can protect yourself when hiring a roofing contractor.

Workers Follow Safety Precautions 

A roofing contractor is hired to repair a roof leak. One of their employees falls and breaks his leg because he didn’t follow safety procedures. Because he was injured on your property, the employee demands that you pay for his medical bills.


Roofers Compensation insurance covers roofing injuries. Roofers who have workers compensation can help their employees recover for medical bills and time off work. You can save yourself the hassle and expense of paying these bills by ensuring that your roofing contractor offers workers compensation.

Responsibility Indemnity

Problem: After removing your roofing shingles, your contractor leaves your roof exposed. Unexpected storms strike that night. Water seeps in to your home, causing damage to sheet rock, carpet, and other furniture. Although your roofing contractor may have liability insurance, there are exclusions that prevent coverage for the interior of your building. The damage is your responsibility.


Make sure you have adequate liability insurance in case of damage to your building or home caused by a roofing contractor. It will cover everything from broken windows to interior damage, as described in the above situation. Contractors may have liability insurance but the insurance company has so many exclusions it almost seems like there isn’t any coverage. Water damage caused by roof openings should not be excluded from coverage.

Company Certificate

Problem: You hire a roofing company to repair your roof. A few months later, you notice a leak. You attempt to reach the company but are unable to find their contact information. When you try to find the company’s business license, you discover that it has never been issued. The repairs are your responsibility. Make sure your roofing contractor is licensed. It could indicate that they don’t know what they’re doing. It is possible for the company to disappear or go out-of-business.

Utah requires that your roofing company has a shingle license as well as a general roofing license in order to install a pitched roof. Only a general roofing license is required for flat roof installations.

If they hold a general contractor license, a general contractor can legally install a roof. There have been many instances of general contractors installing roofs without proper training. This can cause problems for both home and building owners. A general contractor should have a roofing license along with their general contractor license. The number for general roofing licenses in Utah is S280. The general contractor license is B100. You have the right to end the service of your roofing contractor if they are working on your roof, and you discover that they have provided fraudulent business license information (in Utah). The contractor was operating illegally and you are not required to pay any money. The next step is to find a qualified contractor who can fix your roof.

Defend Yourself

It may not be pleasant, but it is necessary to safeguard yourself against such issues. Ask for proof of your roofing contractor’s workers compensation, liability insurance, and business license. Once your roof has been installed, make sure that they will sign a lien waiver. These issues are unlikely to arise if you hire a reliable, experienced contractor. To find out what other customers’ experiences were, look for testimonials and reviews.

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