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Different Bed Bug Treatments For Your Home

Different Bed Bug Treatments For Your Home

Bed bugs are pests that do not carry any disease but are the sources of your nightmares. They feed on your blood whilst you are asleep and it could cause many sleepless nights if you ever find yourself in a bed bug infestation. Here are a few treatments which you can imply to keep these bed bugs away.

Vacuum Your Home

Vacuuming your home is an efficient way to get rid of bed bugs on your carpet. Here are a few things to keep in mind while vacuuming your carpet for bed bugs.

Washing Your Beddings

As their name suggests, bed bugs tend to linger in your bedroom. Naturally, they are likely to be found on your bedding. In order to get rid of these bed bugs from your bedding, you will need to wash your bedding at extremely high temperatures. Bed bugs cannot survive high temperatures and die.

Encase Your Mattresses

Encasing your mattress is an easy way to keep bed bugs away from your mattresses. Washing the case of your mattresses is a lot easier than washing your mattresses. While washing your mattress case, be sure to wash it at high temperatures.

Declutter Your Bedroom

One of the reasons bed bugs thrive is because they are able to hide within the clutters around your bedroom. This clutter acts as a safe spot for bed bugs. Bed bugs do not like to move out in the open, therefore, decluttering your room will limit the bed bugs’ movement.

Clog Cracks And Gaps

Bed bugs are tiny pests. They are hard to spot as they love hiding within cracks and gaps in your walls and floors. In order to clear bed bugs out of cracks and crevices, fill the gaps and cracks. The fewer gaps and cracks are, the fewer hiding spots will be there for bed bugs.

Use Natural Bed Bug Sprays

Natural bed bug sprays are one of the best bed bug treatments for your home. Bed bug sprays are able to attack bed bugs inside of cracks, gaps, and corners which are hard to reach using other traditional methods.

Gypsum Bed Bug Spray

The Gypsum bed bug spray by MDX Concepts is a natural bed bug killer. This bed bug spray is 100% natural. The bed bug spray is both kids safe and pet safe, therefore, it is a safe option to use at your home. What sets this bed bug spray apart from its counterparts is that it does not produce any harmful fumes, therefore, it can be used indoors. The bed bug spray is also safe to be used on your beddings before you sleep as it is not harmful and is odorless. Most natural products tend to leave behind stains but Gypsum bed bug spray does not. Therefore, you do not need to worry about using this spray directly on your linen.

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