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Emergency Storm Damage

Emergency Storm Damage

Property damage caused by severe weather can be devastating to your family or business, and repairing it can be a complex undertaking. To get storm damage repair completed quickly and safely, you need a restoration service company that specializes in bringing your home back to its pre-loss condition.

Trees damaged in heavy storms can cause dangerous situations. Strong winds can easily uproot trees and cause large branches to fall onto buildings or cars. Insurance companies may cover the cost of damage depending on your policy, but sometimes the greatest loss is the tree itself which may have been the pride of your landscape.

Emergency removals are extremely unpredictable and factors such as the stability of a building or structure compared to the weight of a damaged tree or limb can present unforeseen danger. Regardless of whether or not you hire storm damage emergency services, please remember that only qualified professionals with appropriate insurance coverage should handle jobs with high potential for damage.

We provide storm damage cleanup and emergency assistance to help keep you and your family safe. We have the tools and the experience to help you with everything from proactive measures like arborist reports and power line clearance pruning, to post-storm cleanup and emergency tree removal. If your trees have been impacted by a storm, or you are worried they may be a risk during turbulent winds, give us a call today to help keep your trees safe and secure.

Here are some emergency preparedness tips you can easily do before and after the storm to limit the effect weather will have on your yard, home and lifestyle.

The first step in emergency preparedness is to remove dead tree branches. They can break off in a storm, posing a danger to people as well as your car, deck and other items in the yard. Cut back branches that overhang your house. A fallen branch can do costly storm damage to the roof or siding, and overhanging tree limbs deposit seeds and leaves in your gutters, potentially clogging them and causing overflow in a storm.

To Further Secure Your Home Against wind Damage:

We love our yards more than most, but there is a proper time and place for taking care of it. Here are recommended lawn care tips to recognize for your safety before a storm and yard clean up afterward.

Don’t work in your yard when a storm is in the area. Thunderstorms can be very dangerous, even if they seem miles away. If you hear thunder, stop mowing, raking, or whatever you are doing in the yard and seek shelter. Don’t rush to complete a task – lightening can strike long before the rain starts. After you hear the last thunderclap, wait 30 minutes before going back outside.

Pick up yard debris once the storm has passed. Sometimes, the best time for emergency preparedness is immediately after a storm, when it’s top of mind. When the storm has passed, assess any storm damage in your yard. Remove broken tree limbs and pick up windblown debris immediately to avoid injuries and to limit your yard clearing duties the next time you mow.

Heavy wet snowstorms can damage your trees and shrubs. Snow and storm damage can include broken limbs, structural fractures and stress cracks – while young trees can be damaged beyond repair. Dormant pruning is a great way to keep them resilient and less prone to snow damage, especially if your trees contain a fair number of dead branches.

Cleaning up after a hurricane or tropical storm can seem like an overwhelming task. Whether you choose to clean up yourself or hire a professional tree removal company, such as Joel’s Tree Services, safety should always be your first priority. When cleaning up yourself, always work with at least one other person and take periodic breaks to prevent overexertion injuries.

For the majority and accidents that do occur it is almost impossible to predict. Pre-storm strategies can be put into place by tree surgeons, by looking for decay or carrying out a climbing inspection. Braces can be installed to aid the support of a weakened tree whilst pruning and special measures are put into place to strengthen the roots. Where trees are completely rotten, they can be removed before they fall but this must be discussed with an expert and never be attempted single-handedly.

The single most effective way to protect your home against the threat of storms is to be proactive. Being storm smart with your trees will help you to stay storm safe. To be storm safe, it is important to have your trees assessed by qualified arborists who can identify any risk factors or structural damage that may lead to enhanced risk during a storm.

We urge our customers to take precautions when heading outside to shovel snow on their property. Be mindful of trees overhead, which have become weakened due to the heavy, wet snow clinging to branches. Each storm is different and can present a variety of challenges. However, one thing remains the same – safety must be a top priority.

When you are dealing with emergency storm damage Melbourne, the safety of your family is the one thing on your mind. At Joel’s Tree Services, that’s our priority too. When you contact our team in an emergency, we know you need the help of experts. With our experienced, safety-conscious team and specialist equipment, you can be assured your home and family will be kept safe.

At Joel’s Tree Services, we know that making the situation safe is only the beginning. With the help of our experienced arborists, we can ascertain the cause of the issue and ensure it does not happen again. After the initial safety measures and clean-up, we will chat to you about making your yard safer for the future.

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