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Home Office Design Tips To Increase Productivity

Home Office Design Tips To Increase Productivity

With so many workers setting up their own home offices these days, it is very easy to understand why so many of them are not designed properly. After all, most people do not actually know much about interior design.

What you should know is that when you start a franchise or even a small startup from home, one of the first things you have to do is set up a good office, one that will increase productivity. To do exactly that, here are some design tips to remember.

Make Your Office Your Own

When you feel at home inside your office, productivity is improved, together with your happiness and health. In fact, a study showed an increase in productivity of up to 32%.

Before hiring interior designers to make your choices for you, take your personal style into account. For instance, do you like art deco or urban décor? Are there some personal items that give you inspiration? Such questions will help you to make design choices you will love and will make it easier to work.

Don’t Forget About Feng Shui

When you are inside your home office and you end up feeling sluggish, not energized, consider the use of Feng Shui principles. This is especially the case when referring to your desk. These are principles that have been used for thousands of years. The idea is that proper arrangement lets you create a room with a good chi flow.

Put your disk in a position that is commanding. Your back should not face the office door. Also, the desk should not be close to the door. Placing the desk in a diagonal position to the entrance is preferred.

Use Green

Some colors can easily stimulate productivity and creativity. And green is a color you absolutely want in your home office since it is associated with decisiveness and growth. Basically, green makes you feel calm and can awaken your creative performance.

Obviously, you might not want to paint the entire office with green but you do not have to. You can simply have a green accent wall. Also, you can add some green by placing some accessories or plants in key parts of the home office.

Prioritize Lighting

When you have more daylight in your office and higher lighting levels during the night, your productivity will be increased. This is quite clear when we look at schools and it is easy to understand why there is so much light inside classrooms.

As you work in your home office though, it is a common mistake to keep light levels low. This is a shame since you can easily control how much light is present inside any part of the home.

Remove Clutter

Last but not least, it is really important that you keep the home office as clean and as free of clutter as possible. Just remove all the items that are not needed and that you do not actually need.

When you have space problems, use decorative baskets, filing cabinets, and other appropriate holders. Organizing items are pleasing and functional. Organized and attractive office spaces will drastically improve productivity and happiness.

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