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Improvisation and Uncontrolled Creativity in Gestural Abstract Paintings

Improvisation and Uncontrolled Creativity in Gestural Abstract Paintings

What is Gestural Abstract Painting?

Gestural abstract art is process of creating something really unique. It is not referred to some art movement. Abstract paintings are painted in a unique way with physical gestures which is quite different from traditional art of painting. Many modern abstract paintings are produced through gestural way of painting.

What is Gestural way of painting?

Every painting is made of colors and textures. In gestural way of painting Colors are not applied on canvas in traditional way but colors are dropped on canvas by dripping, pouring, splattering, wiping, dumping, spraying and so on. It makes process of painting more complex and more interesting. In modern art painting , gestural way of painting is getting famous day by day.

Origins of Gestural Abstract Painting

In 1936 Mexican muralist David Alfaro Siqueiros conducted a workshop in New York City. He motivated new painters to do experiments in their way of painting. Jackson Pollock was participant of that work shop. In coming days he became most famous abstract gestural painter. He defined way of painting in which there was no direct contact with the surface. He is also known as ‘Jack the dripper’. His style of painting was also called as ‘Action painting’. Dripping, spraying, pouring, splattering and many other gestural ways of paintings were introduced in coming decades.

Features of Gestural Abstract Painting

Modern Gestural Abstract Painting

There are many contemporary gestural painters who introduce various new styles for modern gestural abstract painting. Joanne Freeman is one of the most familiar gestural abstract painters of our time. She uses minimalist theme with hard edges to draw her gestural paintings. Margaret Neill discovers Lyrical abstraction in her paintings. She put marks on various objects and then gave them different dimensional shapes. Then we have Francine Tint who has really worked hard to make appreciable advancements in Gestural abstract painting.

Creativity in Gestural Abstract Painting

Gestural abstract painting discover new horizons of art. It is almost completely new world of art. Painting style of gestural abstract painting gives painter a chance to express his inner self in the most spontaneous way. Gestural abstract paintings are creative in the best possible way. A painter creates an art piece which is true representative of his emotions. A painter feels free from traditional boundaries of painting while creating his art piece through gestural painting. Physical gestures used for paintings show intensity of artist’s emotions.

Unique Color Schemes show Creativity in Gestural Abstract Paintings

Gestural abstract painters use color schemes in the most unique way. Various shades of a single color express degree of intensity of artist’s emotions. In this process of painting, colors are dripped, sprinkled, splattered and sprayed not only on canvas but there can be any object lying on the ground targeted for throw of these colors. Colors which are thrown through physical gestures create new shades and amazing schemes.

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