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Reclaimed Teak Furniture Manufacturer, an Eco-friendly Solution to High Market Demand

Reclaimed Teak Furniture Manufacturer, an Eco-friendly Solution to High Market Demand

Among thousands of wood species around the world, teak is still considered the most notorious one. This wood has many reasons to justify the title. It has natural beauty, thanks to its elegant dark tone and characteristic grain. Teak also has unmatched durability and strength. Because of that, it becomes hot commodity. Since the demand of teak is very high, there is a trend for reclaimed teak furniture manufacturer. What does it mean to reclaim teak furniture? Why does this industry become so important? You are going to find out in the next part of this passage.

Reclaimed Teak Furniture Manufacturer

High demand for teak woods is not accompanied by fast resource renewal. Furniture material requires mature teak to gain the best result. However, it takes decades for teak wood to reach maturity. As the result, there is not enough mature teak to fulfill the market demand. Teak furniture manufacturer begins cutting young teak to meet the request. The process of preparing young wood for furniture building is not easy though. Steps like kiln drying must be taken so that the wood can enter production process. Young wood also does not yield similar result as utilizing mature teak. Manufacturer tries to come up with better solution.

Reclaiming old teak structures becomes a solution that teak furniture manufacturers takes to meet market demand. When you are reclaiming old wood structures, you are repurposing unused structures which will be demolished if not being utilized. The structures may come in the form of old bed frames, cupboards, or doors. They may not look appealing as when they were brand new because the stains or furnishings have probably gone off. However, due to the natural endurance of teak, these structures still hold similar integrity. They can be made into other furniture pieces with a little bit of work. Teak furniture from reclaimed wood will still function well.

This practice has great impacts to furniture industry and the environment. When teak furniture manufacturer reclaims old teak structures, it does not need to cut down living trees from the jungle. Excessive logging practice done by many manufacturers around the world had disrupted environmental balance and reducing it will be better for us in the future. Structures that are not being recycled to other furniture will only end up in landfill if they are thrown away. Giving them other purposes will decrease the amount of industrial waste immensely. When this practice becomes even more known, it will shift current furniture industry which is not exactly environmentally friendly. Another great thing about reclaiming is that it actually reduces production cost. Because of that reclaimed teak furniture can be sold at lower price point.

Not all of old teak furniture can be fully reclaimed into a new form. If one’s structure has already been severely damaged, the manufacturer must compile several structures at one to build new furniture. If you want reclaimed teak furniture manufacturer that has green practice, you should choose one that does not use chemicals like VOC during its production and installation.

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