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Should I Move Or Remodel? — The Ultimate Checklist

Should I Move Or Remodel? — The Ultimate Checklist


Moving is a good way of getting a larger home or upgrading your living space, remodeling what you have is also a good option because housing prices continue to rise and available inventory continues to drop with demand.

To help you decide, here are some questions that you must first address in your checklist for you to decide whether to move or remodel.

Is This What You Really Want?

We all know that a house is not a home if it is not where your heart belongs. If you have a strong connection to your house and neighborhood, you should think twice before moving out. This depends on how long you have been living in your current home and how close you are to your loved ones. 

Is Your Home Spacious Enough or Do You Need More?

Usually, one of the common reasons to move is the need for extra space. Fortunately, moving to a larger house isn’t the only way. You can actually create more space by having a smarter layout when you opt for remodeling. For example, you can reconfigure your home to acquire more space and allow your family a more efficient layout.

Do You Have a Realistic Budget?

Whatever you decide, having a realistic budget is very important. If you choose to remodel, think of the improvements that will contribute to the long life of your house. Always have your goals in mind coupled with all the financial risks that accompany such decisions. If possible, work with an experienced home remodeling company in your area so you can come up with a realistic estimate of the budget you will need. 

How Long Will the Remodelling Take?

Remodeling your home can be a huge inconvenience especially since it entails energy and time commitment. If your home requires huge renovation, then it might not be worth staying in. When remodeling, you have to think about what project you want and stick to it until it is done. For example, you want to have a kitchen remodel that involves the installation of new cabinets, countertops, floors and an access panel door that will possibly take up 6 months or more. Moreover, remodeling will take longer if wiring, plumbing, and ductwork have to be done combined with the planning and installation of the proper access panel door for each of them for easy access. Therefore, you have to find out whether you have sufficient time for remodeling to know if it is the best way.

Most Importantly, Is This What Makes You Happy?

You can always decide whether you need relocation or just remodeling but you have to weigh the pros and cons of each option and decide if it is what makes you happy. Ask yourself what your housing goals will be in the next five to 10 years. If you are planning on moving in a few years anyway, then you might actually have to move out. But if you like your home and it works really well for your job and your family, then remodeling and working with what you have makes more sense.  

For more information on how to survive renovation or for any other information that you might need, check out this blog

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