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Water Heater and Geyser – What Is the Difference Between Them?

Water Heater and Geyser – What Is the Difference Between Them?

The mere thought of having to use cold water during those winter months is enough to make you shudder. But, thanks to the modern appliances that get the water heated in minutes, you no longer need to endure icy cold water for washing clothes, bathing, or cleaning utensils. When it comes to water heating appliances, two of the most common terms used by people are water heaters and geysers. So, are these two completely different appliances or synonymous with each other? Let’s find out!

Differences Between Water Geysers and Heaters

Though the main purpose of both the water geysers and water heaters is to warm the water, there are certain differences between them which are as follows:

Water Heater

A water heater is a system that delivers energy to water for raising its temperature and making it comfortable to use during the cold months. The heaters can be a gas-based immersion rod that heats up for heating up the water. It can be a storage type of heater that uses electricity or gas for heating up water. The cost of a water heater can depend upon the model. For example, the water heater rod price is usually cheaper than storage water heaters that keep the water hot for quite a long time.

Water Geyser

Coming to water geysers, the term geyser actually refers to a natural hot water source. When magma gushing out of the earth’s surface gets in touch with subterranean water, a hot spring is formed that is called a geyser. In everyday terminology, a geyser is an informal term used for a water heater. In fact, you won’t even find a difference between geyser and water heater price in the market. Heaters and geysers are basically synonymous terms in common usage.

What Is the Best Water Heater or Geyser for Your Needs?

Now that it has been established that there is no difference between water heaters and geysers, it’s time to consider the best product for your needs.

You will get a wide range of choices from Crompton in terms of water heater cost, styles, and features. So, the one you get depends completely upon the daily needs of your household. Even then, there are a couple of things that you should definitely consider when buying a water heater.

Firstly, you need to decide on the type of heater you need. Immersion water heater are convenient, and instant heaters are great if you don’t need to heat up too much water daily. On the other hand, you need a storage water heater of at least six litres if you want to store the hot water for quite a long while. As mentioned before, the price of the heaters also depends on the type you purchase. Water heater rod price is the cheapest, followed by instant heaters and storage heaters.

Another factor to consider while making your purchase is energy efficiency. The best water heater would also be energy-efficient and come with a powerful heating element. This would ensure that the water gets heated fast enough without raising the energy bills of the household.


Your doubts about the differences between water heaters and water geysers must have been cleared up by now. So, if you are looking to make a purchase, don’t delay any more. It is now the time to keep the points mentioned above in mind and start looking for a heater that meets the daily needs of your household.

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