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Your Bachelor’s Pad Should Be On Point

Being a bachelor can be exciting, especially in this day and age when there’s not so much pressure on us to be in a relationship and get married right after college. A couple of years of living alone can actually teach you how to be a better partner for your future wife. You will learn how to take care of a house, and there’s nothing sexier than a man who can keep a house on check. Here are a few ideas on how to organize and decorate your apartment when you’re a single guy who lives alone.

Turn To Minimalism

A famed architect once said “less is more” and he was right. Minimalism is in trend these days, and it makes total sense for single guys. Bachelors are infamous for being messy, or at least the ones I’ve come in contact with were. And it would have been so much less obvious if they wouldn’t have so much useless stuff lying around the house. I know many things might have emotional value, but you know what else it’s valuable? Space. Especially if you live in a one-bedroom apartment or a studio. So, pack up some of those extra chairs and the cabinet that stores cables you’ll never going to use again and free up some space in your place.

Have A Functional Kitchen

Just because you’re single, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t cook. First of all, cooking is sexy, healthy and economical. Equip your kitchen with everything it needs, and if you want extra credits, make sure it’s all appropriately stored, and it matches a design theme. Don’t just throw a toaster and a blender on the countertop next to a sink full of dishes.

Decorate Your Place

I know that so many guys are considering decorating a place a girly thing, which is totally wrong. But if you think that way, you should know that there are many ways to decorate. And I’m not talking about calendars with nude girls, although a couple of black and white artistic nude paintings can make a bachelor’s pad more seductive. I’m talking about useful art. One idea that I like in a guy’s place is a wall-mounted bike rack in the living room or on the hallway, with the condition of having a clean bicycle.

Keep Your Gadgets Organized

One thing that can really mess up any apartment is gadgets all over the place. Computer, gaming consoles and TVs should be blended into the room. If you can’t set up a multimedia room for all your gadgets, make sure that you organize them well in your living room. Building an AV rack for all the consoles and gear you use and not having them laying all over the floor with cables as tripping hazard makes the difference between a man-cave and the house of a man.

These are simple tips and tricks you can put in practice in your bachelor pad with no unnecessary spending and minimal effort. But I can guarantee that they will make the difference, especially with the ladies. You have a choice to make. Are you going to have a nice place that impresses the girls and helps you take advantage of the great sex dating years of your life, or are you going to spend them alone in a messy bedroom, playing free adult games online?

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